Screening compound: MFCD27095915

Screening compound: MFCD27095915
Screening compound: MFCD27095915 alternative view

Chemical Structure Depiction of ChemDiv screening compound

Available from 1 mg


  • Glass Vials (4ml Glass Vials VWR #97047-678)
  • 96-tube racks (Matrix #4247 96-well 1.4ml sealed with capmats, empty cols 1 & 12, 100uL of 10mM)

Shiptime: 1 week worldwide delivery in most cases

Compound Identifiers

ChemDiv Compound ID


Molecular Formula

C20H20ClFN2O (C20 H20 ClFN2 O)

Compound Name


IUPAC name




MDL Number (MFCD)

MFCD27095915 in Drug Discovery

Included in Screening Libraries

3D-Diversity Natural-Product-Like Library (18102 compounds)

Neurotransmitter Transporter Inhibitors Library (11024 compounds)

Included in 1.7M Stock Database

  • 3D
Therapeutical areas:
  • Nervous system
  • GPCR
  • Ion Channels

References: we are preparing a list of scientific research reports with MFCD27095915 chemical compound. It will be published here after verification.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to purchase chemical compound MFCD27095915?
Check Price and Availability of MFCD27095915, then you can add required amount to the Shopping Cart. In the Shopping Cart you can again refine your selection. Once you are sure that it’s exactly what you want you can move forward with the Checkout (to pay online by credit card, or via PayPal), or Request a Quote.
What is the minimum amount of MFCD27095915 you sell to drug discovery company or institution?
Available from 1 mg in Glass Vials or 96-tube racks.
Delivery options for MFCD27095915
ChemDiv sends parcels with Express services (UPS, WC).
  • 1–2 days for small orders
  • 2–4 weeks for large selections
Delivery formats for MFCD27095915
  • 0.5–50 mg of dry powder sample in single glass vials, custom vials
  • DMSO solutions frozen 10μl–250μl@10mM (96 and 384 format)

Custom synthesis of MFCD27095915 available by request